Monday, 25 June 2012

Some simple things..

Some simple things in life give you tremendous amount of happiness.

For you it could be cuddling with your pet, dancing to the track you love the most, singing out loud knowing you sound pathetic and not caring, suddenly hugging your mom from behind, playfully punching your dad, reading that favorite book again and again, splashing in shower pretending that its raining, sitting and listening quietly to your grand parents' tales, eating something you know is forbidden, wrestling with your brother, cat fighting with your sister, talking utter rubbish with your friends, watching the moon and stars and so on....

For me? Its every aforementioned thing.

Keep 23 hours of your day for everyone and everything. But always give yourself at least an hour of peace where you sit and think, where you do what you like the most. There is no harm in giving yourself pep talks once in a while. They say talking to yourself is weird and is a sign of madness. But I feel talking to yourself helps in clearing your mind up. You get to know about your two sides, the good one and the bad one. And also which comes out to be stronger in the end. With that you can judge your character.

You yourself are the only person with whom you don't have to pretend.

Before saying tata, a question for you--
Which is that one track you can listen to all the time and yet not get tired of?

~~The Girl

Friday, 15 June 2012

A wrecked room...and a MOO point.

Little sisters/cousins are pests, right? I beg to differ. They are pure evil, sent on mother earth to destroy good people. Oh they look cute and act sweet in front of old people because they have the power to turn the evil 'kids' into good ones. No, these children show their true colours (and horns) to their older sisters/brothers, who were once evil too but changed due to their hidden goodness.
So for 7-10 years the younger evils make the older siblings/cousins' lives miserable to influence them on joining their Bad-Ass land.
I know one such devil, my 7 year old cousin called...Devilina (thats just a fictitious name I am going to use).
So Devilina decides to visit her smart, intelligent, average-looking cousin...Angelina (Read: Me. Fictitious name again) with her parents.
Angelina is sitting in her room, playing her keyboard, unknown to the horrible catastrophic situation that is about to befall her.

"Oh. My. God", Angelina says under breath.
"Didiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Piano piano piano piano!", Devilina gracefully snatches away the keyboard and jabs at the black and white keys.
"Um...Devilina, its run by batteries, they will run out soon and I really needed to practice", Angelina carefully tries to pry away the little nail bitten fingers from her instrument.
"Nooooooo! I want to play! I want to play! MUMMA!"
"Shhh! Ok, how about this, I play it for you? Anything you like"
Devilina gives her this very confused look and then smiles her evilish smile.
"You can't play! Liar liar, pants on fire!"
"I can too!" Angelina says in this very mature manner.
"Liar liar liar liar..."
"Stop it! Look, I will prove it to you. Just let me have that god forsaken piano! I will teach you. What would you like to learn?"
"Twinkle Twinkle!", Devilina says, still not letting go of the keyboard.
"Ok. Twinkle Twinkle it is then! Just let me have the piano, please!"
As soon as Devilina relaxes her hold on the object, something vibrates.
"Holy crap! Earthquake!" Angelina shouts.
Suddenly her attention is caught by the blinking cell phone.
"Hahaha! Scaredy cat!" Devilina sings.
"Shut up! I knew it was the mobile. Now hush! I am on phone"
Devilina obediently shuts up and goes around the big desk which has a gazillion drawers, always a good thing to distract the evil people.
"Hello? Hey! What's up?"
"YOU PROMISED!", Devilina shrieks out of nowhere.
"Huh? Wha--?"
"Um..yes, but Didi is now on phone. Give me 5 minutes and I promise I will teach you Twinkle Twinkle AND abcd" (To those who dont know, Twinkle Twinkle and abcd have the same tune, thus work done easier)
"Won't won't won't!"
"Oh God. I am so sorry, Ananya! Its my cousin and---WHAT? You and Amay broke up?! But how?! Why?"
"Tell her it will be ok", Devilina buzzes near Angelina's ear.
"Huh? Devilina! Stop eavesdropping! I mean, listening! And what do YOU know about break ups? You are just a 7 year old...thing"
"I know. I broke up with Tushar today", Devilina declares proudly.
"You WHAT? You didn't have a boyfriend in the first place! Stop making up stuff"
"Did too!"
"Get lost! Sorry again, Ananya! So yes, why did you break up?"
"Because he wouldn't share his orange crayon with me!", Devilina pipes in.
"I am not talking to you, Devilina! This call is important, OK? Please excuse me" Angelina makes shooing motion with her free hand.
"I DO NOT LIKE YOU!", and to somehow prove her point, Devilina presses the "song" button on the keyboard and then rushes off to the cupboard, throwing every piece of cloth that Angelina owned on the floor.
"STOP IT! Ananya, I will have to get back to you later! Stop crying, please!"
"CRY BABY CRY BABY!", Devilina says in this sing song voice, while Angelina quickly hangs up before her friend could hear that.
"Devilina, STOP MAKING A MESS! I will have to call your mother!"
"No care no care no care!"
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH", Angelina stops the annoying music.
"Hahahaha! You are funny! You are funny LOOKING!"
"Shut up! It took me ages to arrange everything in that cupboard! Please leave it alone! OK, I will teach you Twinkle Twinkle, abcd AND Baba Black Sheep" (All three same. Check it)
"Yes! Promise!"
"God promise?"
"God promise!"
"Pinky swear?"
"Yep! Pinky swear!"
"No crosses?
"See? No crosses!"
"What about toes?
"OK look", Angelina takes off her shoes. "No crosses here, either. Now will you please--"
"Cross your heart?"
"Yes! Cross my heart and hope to die"
"No no! I meant---Oh what would you know! Just know that I am not going to break the promise. Promise!"
"You know, Banana should not cry"
"Huh? Who?"
"Banana! Your friend!"
"Its Ananya, Devilina!"
"Anya? Anyway, she should not cry. Break ups keep happening. Tell her not to give her crayons to the boy anymore. Simple"
"If only it were that simple, Devilina"
"It is! IT IS!"
"OK OK! Calm down. You make such MOO points!"
"What points?"
"MOO. You will understand when you are old enough to watch Friends"
"You are weird. I watch my friends everyday!"
"Yeah, I pity them. Anyway, so are you ready to learn your songs?"
"What? I thought you wanted---"
"Nope nope nope!"
"Devilina! Time to go home!", my Aunt calls.
"Tata, MOO!"
"I am not MOO!"
"You are too!"

And she goes away.

Guess who had to spend the whole night cleaning up everything? You got it.

~~The Girl

Sunday, 3 June 2012

The month of June

June greetings, fellow earthlings!

I haven't been updating my blog much. Been too busy these days and with so much going round, one can hardly find time to breathe, let alone write, right?

Last night I came up with a very short essay type writing 'Blank Pages'. Its for Blog-a-Ton--bloggers marathon.
Honestly speaking, I wouldn't call it one of my best works. In fact, I was actually disappointed in myself. But oh well, just as long as I participate. Though the topic was one hell of a challenge.

Anyhoo, if you want to participate, you always have 'next month'!

I need to make an exit now.

But before taking my leave, one sentence for you to finish--
"I used to be......but I am not anymore"

Think about it and drop your reply below =)

~~The Girl.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Blank Pages

Blank Pages

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 28; the 28th Edition of the online marathon of bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The topic of this month is 'BLANK PAGES'.
Blank pages are intimidating. You sit down with a pen in between your fingers, hoping to grasp one of those ideas floating around you. 9 out of 10 times you fail. The level of the ink in your pen has not dropped, and the blank pages are as empty as the look in your eyes. You turn that page only to find another blank one staring right at you. What did you expect to find? A story written there all ready? You laugh. You laugh because you are desperate. There has to be something! One story, just one! But whenever something flashes behind your closed eyelids, it sounds...or looks familiar. And you want something new.

You glance at your pen. You know its ridiculous, but its as if the pen has been silently begging you to splash its colour all over those pages. And you know the pen is now disappointed in you.
And so are the white sheets. They don't want to be left unwritten on. You run your fingers over the whiteness, as if consoling them. The smoothness surprises you. Oh the joy of writing on them! Only if you had something to write about.

The time is running out. You pick that pen up, grip it tightly, close your bloodshot eyes shut and write. You don't know the words. You don't want to know. You just want to fill those blank pages up....and you do.
After a while, it could be a second or an hour, you lift those tired heavy eyelids up and witness the most beautiful story one could ever imagine.

You smile. Those blank pages are not blank anymore.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

~~The Girl